NZ Chapter IIBA Board - Planning Day 2018

A productive planning day was held by the IIBA NZ Chapter board earlier this month of July.

It was a good opportunity for all the board to meet face to face and welcome in the new board members Susan Taylor (Treasurer) / Karl Menzies (VP Marketing and Communication) / Jonathan Shorland (VP Membership). 


Even though the weather was Wellington at its windy and wild best! We had a great focus session on ways we can add value for our members.

At the planning day we discussed what we are aiming to provide to our members over the coming months. The top three priorities are:

Supporting membership certification

  • improving the study resources for BABOK v3,
  • promoting the training / accelerator courses around the regions,
  • providing help guides for completing the certification application forms
  • investing ways to improve online learning through our website and other online learning tools

Assisting professional development

  • make support material accessible
  • providing an instructional guide on how to record your PD experience on the global IIBA website (portal area)

​Increase our regional support for IIBA members across NZ

  • hosting roadshows in the regions
  • increasing access to a dedicated online library for NZ based materials from meetup events and BA sessions
  • promote knowledge sharing opportunities such as a forum

Look out for upcoming news items as we begin to deliver these initiatives to our members.